Thursday, 17 August 2023


 ...Did you hear that? That was the sound of my heart shattering. Failed another timed technical test. 

Woke up to yet another rejection email. These days, I seem to wake up to a lot of these "love letters", as I like to call them.

 That's it. I'm done. This "developering" thing is not for me. 

Nobody prepares you for the rejections you will get, trying to get your foot in as a new techie. All t's crossed, i's dotted. I know that I know this thing. Okay, I know enough, and I am willing to learn and be better. So why do they not want to work with me?😔😔😔😔 Am I that bad a developer? 😭😭😭😭 

No, you are not a bad developer. You are probably not what they need right now, and that is okay. It is okay to be sad and feel downcast, but don't stay down for too long. Like me, throw tantrums, be sad, cry, sleep. But when you wake up, clean your teary eyes, open your laptop and go again.

Do not stop applying for jobs. For every rejection, apply for some more, build more projects, solve more Leetcode problems, improve on your soft skills, stay positive. One day, that yes that will cancel all the no's will come, and you will be thankful you continued. 

Meanwhile, when you get in, never stop building yourself. There are more difficult road blocks ahead. Until then, let me get back to applying for that role.


Friday, 31 March 2023

How To Update Visual Studio Code for MacBook Users

Are you a MacBook user and when you try to update your Visual Studio Code, you get this error message, "Cannot update while running on a read-only volume. The application is on a read-only volume. Please move the application and try again. If you're on macOS Sierra or later, you'll need to move the application out of the Downloads directory. This might mean the application was put on quarantine by macOS. See this link for more information."??? 

... sucks, I know. I mean, Visual Studio Code auto updates on Windows, but not on MacBook. I smell beef. Anyway, here is how to fix that problem. If you downloaded, and are running Visual Studio Code from your Downloads folder(which is read-only), it will not auto-update. 

Open your Finder, go to Downloads, drag the downloaded Visual Studio Code file to the Applications directory and run it from there. If that does not work, send it back to Downloads, press the Command key, and then drag the file to Applications directory. Restart your Visual Studio Code and try updating. If this still does not work, then restart your Mac. Now, your update should be possible, and then you can install the chatGPT AI extension that will make debugging easier for you. You're welcome.

Sunday, 8 January 2023

Altschool Exam Project: My Github repositories

This project is a simple React application that allows the user to search for GitHub repositories using the GitHub Repo API.

Getting Started:

 To get started, create new React App: npx create-react-app altschoolassignment Start the development server: npm start 

The application is hosted at

The following dependencies were installed for this project:

- npm i- react-router-dom

- npm i- axios 

- npm i- react-error-boundary 

- npm i- styled-components 

- npm i- react-switch

- npm i- react-scroll 

- npm i- react-helmet-async


Next, data was collected from GitHub using Axios, and was fetched and rendered using the React Hooks, useState and useEffect.

The useEffect and useState methods were used to fetch and update the data automatically, every time a new repository is created.

Error Boundary was added to catch errors that may occur when code is executed. When an error is encountered, the error message is returned.

Using the App The app will display a list of repositories. You can click on a repository to view more details about it. 

Pagination was added to navigate between pages.

Built With

  • React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Axios - A Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
  • GitHub API - Used to fetch repository data